Bird Watching

Don’t forget your camera or binoculars because Possum Park has a wide selection of birds, from finches to eagles and every size in between. It is also home to the Grey Crowned Babbler, Spotted Pardalote, Plum Headed Finch and we also have Australia’s smallest bird the Weebill.

Chris Osborne, resident artist and birder has photographed 132 Birds over the past year, don’t forget birds species may very throughout the season. Best time to photograph birds at Possum Park is 6am to 9am and late afternoon. Ask Chris for the best bird watching locations or refer to the park map now with bird icons.

Bird sightings, not photographed yet !

Best birding locations

07 4627 1651

Do you belong to a bird group, why not give us a call and secure your group booking today !

Walkings also available but maybe limited in peak season, May – October.